Wednesday 19 December 2007

Teaching Resources

One of the keys to effective learning is to fire up the imagination. Children learn more when they are enjoying something rather than seeing it as a chore. There are many computer games that have a "hidden" education content as well as being fun - learning in disguise. The following web site is a good example of the extent of the opportunity for parents to enjoy games with their children.

Educational Toys

Keen2learn - award winning selection of Educational Games, educational games and toys induces fun to stimulate learning.

These three quotations best summarise the opportunity:

"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own".
Ben Sweetland

"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them".
James Baldwin

"Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths pure theatre".
Gail Godwin