Friday, 26 February 2010

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Supports School STEM Projects | Keen2Learn Blog

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Supports School STEM Projects | Keen2Learn Blog

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

English Language Education; How On Earth Do You Pronounce This? | Keen2Learn Blog

English Language Education; How On Earth Do You Pronounce This? | Keen2Learn Blog

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

TV Dispatches Reveals Maths Disaster In Many Primary Schools | Keen2Learn Blog

TV Dispatches Reveals Maths Disaster In Many Primary Schools | Keen2Learn Blog

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The Opportunity To Engage Partners In Schooling Support Takes a Huge Leap Forward

Parent support is fundamental to improving the learning process through a  greater awareness of  their child’s progress in school . Using educational games, toys and the internet at home can help children learn in a way that suits them. Having parents alongside gives children constructive support and a great insight into their progress, ability and the details of the National Curriculum.
Becta, the original name for the British educational computerised training association, in case you’re ask, are behind the drive to engage parents in the schooling process. Children who use the internet at home do better in maths and reading tests, are more interested in their studies and have more fun learning. The Home Access scheme encourages  children to go over schoolwork at home, do homework online, contact classmates and teachers, get information and work together on projects with parents.
Research shows that children achieve more highly when parents talk to them about their experiences of school and learning. However, a recent report showed 82 per cent of parents felt left in the dark when it comes to their s child’s schooling.
The online reporting to become available to parents will allow parents to see their child’s progress dynamically rather than end of term reports or parents night.  Research also showed this level of parental involvement at home heightened their awareness of a child’s progress at school leads to a dramatic improvement in a child’s achievement.  Playing educational games, board games or ICT games at home can replicate the teaching resources in class and bring enjoyment to revision in the form of CDROM literacy, numeracy, chemistry and physics quizzes that can lead to an improvement of two grades at school.
The recent scheme launched by the DCSF to fund 270,000 poorer families with a laptop computer and online access to schools will allow these children to catch up.    Teacher advice in areas where help is needed will allow them to enlist parents help. Their interest and involvement in a child’s learning and education is more important than anything else in helping that child fulfil their potential.
Key benefits:
  • Home -school communication is improved considerably.
  • Communications of a very a positive nature is encouraged
  • Contact can be established with all parents, irrespective of the nature of the catchment area
  • Father’s become more involved in their children’s education
  • Parents give a significant amount of quality time to their children
  • Parents become more knowledgeable about the school curriculum
  • Parents become more involved in the assessment of children’s progress
  • Equality of educational opportunity is addressed
  • Esteem between parents, pupils and teachers is enhanced
  • Promote team promoting family learning activities
  • Underpinning home- school agreements
  • Raising standards of attainment.
Research by the PTA showed the effect of parents and what they do at home to support learning can account for 80 per cent of a child’s academic success.

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Ancient Chinese Proverb Sets Educational Direction. | Keen2Learn Blog