The vital role of dads in bedtime reading is under threat, new research by the National Year of Reading reveals less than half of dads (42 per cent) say they regularly read bedtime stories to their children, while mums are twice as likely (76 per cent) to do so, despite bedtime reading being one of the best ways of establishing the reading habit in children.
Work pressures including stress and long hours were the main barrier for 58 per cent of dads, while a lack of confidence meant one in ten felt the role was better suited to mums. Boys are falling behind girls when it comes to reading* and more male readers as role models would help redress this.
The study of over 2,000 adults was conducted by the National Year of Reading and YouGov as part of a campaign to raise awareness of the pressures dads face and the impact this has on children’s reading habits. Read the full article
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